cleaning the studio...

...and other adventures in art

Barbara Downs in her studio in front of a large blank canvasMy friend and fellow artist Susana Arias took this photo of me as we were talking. I happened to be positioned directly in front of a new canvas awaiting paint.

So what does one do with a big, blank canvas?

This one quickly turned into this painting. Please note that it is unfinished! But so far I like it, and I think it has good potential.

I frequently like my paintings at this sketchy stage. They often use bright colors with a lot of contrast, because I haven’t had a chance to muddy anything up. The composition is simple and straightforward. But they can lack emotional resonance for me at this stage, and so they feel unfinished. This one I am particularly liking, in spite of the single layer of paint. That doesn’t mean that it’s finished, though…just a good start!

original artwork by Barbara Downs, Interior and Interior, in progress

Interior and Interior, in progress, 60″x48″