cleaning the studio...

...and other adventures in art

upcoming exhibits

I have several exhibits opening in the next few weeks.  You can see my link on the right sidebar, “Current and Upcoming Events” for details. Two exhibits are holding receptions on the same day, September 12. I’ll be at Los Pájaros first, which is an...

cleaning the studio…

After the flurry of activity finishing the 50 Daily Birds, I really did have to clean the studio. As I cleaned, I was able to clear my head from the last work and think about the next work. Here are some ‘before’ photos. And, ‘after’… Now...

the birds have left the studio

Yes!  The Daily Birds are now hanging at the Sanchez Art Center for the upcoming show.  See their website for more information about the ticketed preview and the opening reception, next Thursday and Friday, July 29 and 30.

50-50 at sanchez

The 50-50 II Show opens soon! See the Sanchez Art Center website for a list of participating artists, directions to the center, and more. There is going to be some great work in this show! Around a thousand people came to the opening last year. If you would like to...