cleaning the studio...

...and other adventures in art

Look, I haven’t disappeared entirely, I’ve just been really busy. More on all that later (and lots of new work to show), but for the time being you get two photos.

This is the current state of my studio. That pile of photos is what I call my source material midden. Lots of seemingly-random photos to pick through. I keep them in a pile like that because it’s easier to sift through them. And they’re always there in my peripheral vision while I paint.

Barbara Downs--her studio floor with a mess of photographs
And I’ll be in a First Friday opening tomorrow at the R. Blitzer gallery, complete with 4 paintings of mine.

There is a Wine Walk that is happening during First Friday this month, and R. Blitzer is participating. If you’re in this area, please come from 6-9pm on Friday, August 5, and enjoy the art and wine!

Barbara Downs announcement for Summer Gallery Invitational exhibition